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Kannur Laterite Stone blocks structure

An Eco - Friendly Home is more of a fad in the current scenario. And many enthusiasts try to bring in the 'Green' element into construction of their Dream Homes in one way or another. The extent of 'Going Green' varies and can be reflected on several factors like the building materials used, reduced energy consumption, water conservation, waste recycling and the use of renewable resources wherever possible. The end purpose of all these varied measures would be to 'Give back to the Nature, more than what we take' so that the Dream Home we construct stays in harmony with the environment and reduce the environement footprint .

Going back to the roots of Kerala Architecture, we will come across a predominantly used construction material right from small Huts to heavily armoured Forts - Laterite Blocks. During the course of development and for convenience, these gave way to alternatives like Red Hot Bricks, Concrete Blocks, Interlock Blocks etc. Each of them have their own advantages and should be taken into account while you are planning for that Dream Home. No wonder they are called the 'Building Blocks'. Here we try to highlight the usage of Laterite Blocks for building Houses and its advantages.

Popularly known as ‘Vettukallu’ Laterite rock is rich in iron and aluminium, and is commonly considered to have formed in hot and wet tropical areas. Nearly all laterites are of rusty-red coloration, because of high iron oxide content. They develop by intensive and long-lasting weathering of the underlying parent rock.

Its unique property to gain strength on prolonged exposure to Sun and Air and low cost make it a popular choice of builders in several regions of Kerala and some parts of Karnataka, Goa and Andra.


1. Durability with ageing

As mentioned, Laterite has the unique property to be durable through ageing . This is the reason we find many structures of the by gone era still stating tall.

2. Earthy and rustic appeal to the structure

Laterite though with many notable features, is still a favourite among contemporary Builders/Architects for its aesthetic appeal and the 'One with Nature' feel.

3. Low raw material costs

The raw material for the construction of a House in an area with the availability of Laterite will be low compared to a Brick house as the expenditure on Cement can be saved. Laterite blocks can be fastened with mud which can be facilitated by an expert Property developer.

4. Temperature regulation

As the temperatures extremes are soaring day by day, Laterite blocks can withstand temperature more and keep the inside of the structure comparitively cool by few degrees.

5. Toxic free

This can be based on individual choice, as the structures made with Laterite, if required can be made free of toxic paints and yet retain a class display with proper craftsmanship and expertise of a Property developer.


1. Higher Transportation costs due to Region specific availability

Due to the particular nature of Laterite, the availability would be concentrated in particular regions. If not readily available in a location, transportation costs to the location can be expensive.

2. Proper care required during construction

The unique property of Laterite can be utilised to its benefit by keeping the structure protected from direct sunlight and rainfall as Laterite tends to weaken with heavy exposure to these elements. Proper planning should be taken in construction areas prone to floods.

3. Time consuming

The process of Mud plastering between the blocks and setting time is usually higher than Cement setting time. So it could be a time consuming process.

This article is aimed at giving you insights on using Laterite Blocks in your dream home construction. Depending on all these factors and location you can customise the Dream Home with a unique touch of an expert Property Developer.

For suggestions and inputs on constructing your Dream Home talk to our expert developer Mr. Binulal @ +91 94 96 0 37 378.

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